Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Egg Dyeing

In anticipation of Easter and our big Easter egg hunt on Saturday we dyed eggs today. Why I thought it was a good idea to give a not even 3 year old colors the entire point of which are permanence is beyond me. He's not even allowed markers and here I go giving him sloshy bins full of dye. Oh well, we had a good time.

Here he is nicely holding his egg on the holder.

Here is what generally happened. Fingers in the mix.

And here are the colored hands to prove it.

I'm not entirely sure why he's pretending to eat this egg.

He can't wait for Saturday and keeps talking about finding eggs. We dyed over a dozen and filled 3 dozen with candy today. Combine that with our friends and this hunt should be one major haul.

Ciaran is also anticipating Easter. He grew two teeth in the hope that he'd be able to eat some candy.


  1. MMMM, kacanky. Has he had a pickle yet? Don't forget to show Beckett how he can really get colorful...malted egg lipstick!

    Love Ya!

  2. Love B's makes him look really old and C's little toothers are so cute! Have fun hunting those eggs.

  3. Hey, before I forget -- that picture of Ciaran is too cute with his new teeth and could win you some serious cash. Bishop Newman in the other ward told me about a contest on Enter that picture. I can see from the posts above you're on a serious winning streak!
