Thursday, March 24, 2011

V is for Vertex

This is currently my favorite picture in the world. Why?, you ask. It looks rather similar to a sort of boring picture of circles you posted a few weeks ago. Well, this time it shows two HEAD DOWN babies. They've wiggled around and are no longer in bunk beds. I thought I felt some big movements going on. Now they're next to each other so I can expand width wise instead of them trying to reach my chin. At any rate with Baby A head down that means I'm on track for the VBAC. I am thrilled. I'm 29 weeks so there is less chance that they are going to flip into breech as there is just going to be less and less room from here on out.

Their estimated weights are 2 lb 12 oz and 2 lb 13 oz. So they're still about the same size which is great. All heads, bellies, arms and legs are still the sizes they should be. The babies are in about the 40th percentile and that is based on singleton measurements. This is around the time when they start falling off the singleton growth curve so our doctor is very pleased with their size and growth and says they're doing great for twins, and really for any baby. In fact our perinatologist mentioned to me that this pregnancy must be a lot less stressful for me than the last one even though it's twins. He said, "I know twins are 'high risk', but they're not really high risk high risk like you had last time." I know that well and I am amazed that at 29 weeks 2 babies are the size of my 32.5 week baby. They're doing so well he doesn't need to see me again for 3 weeks. Alright! Grow babies, grow!

The babies are already learning to take turns. This week Baby A wanted to be the star of the photo shoot and Baby B only got one shot.

3-D shot of Baby A's face.

Baby A profile.
Baby B's hand. He was shy and didn't want to take pictures this week.

**Update** I just returned from my latest prenatal visit and my glucose levels were perfect at my diabetes test. Yes! Another complication dodged. I am a little bit anemic. However, this is the point when babies are reaching peak blood volume so I am within the acceptable dip they expect to see at this point. I am already taking iron, but I'll up it to two pills a day and see if that can't bump me up a little more.


  1. Hooray for two head down babies! Ya know, because I'm pretty sure babies can't come out of your esophagus.

  2. Hooray! I'm so glad this pregnancy is going so well. I'll keep my fingers crossed that those boys continue behaving themselves :)
