Defying mathematical odds we somehow managed to get ourselves two more boys. As soon as they said, "Baby A is a boy." I knew that they were both going to be. I thought that A was a girl and B was a boy. That is precisely what Beckett thought even though I never told him my theory. He was very upset. When we told him he said, "No! I want to change. I want one boy and one girl." Every time we tell someone else he gets mad and tell us that he wants a boy AND a girl. Sorry dude. You and Daddy both are pretty broken up.
Now we get the fun question of are they identical or fraternal. Given their womb set up the doctor told us there's about a 25% chance that they're identical.
They are both growing well and measuring appropriately for their age of 20 weeks and 1 day as of the test day. They measured one day apart, one baby was a whopping 20 weeks and TWO days. However, at this point that is a pretty meaningless distinction since an unconscious muscle twitch while doing the ultrasound measurements will give you a days difference of growth. Evidently they stay about the same size until around 28 weeks and then generally one twin starts getting larger. (Unless you're some freaky symmetrical growth twins. You know who you are.) We are periodically seeing the perinatologist that followed Ciaran's growth since he knows the whole story. He was very pleased with the size and set up of the babies and all their test results and said he didn't need to see me again for a month. Great! I may start going every two weeks once we hit that 28 week mark, but the doctor is happy, as are we, with how everyone is growing and progressing.