Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Black Friday Christmas Gifts

Okay, granted, we haven't been the most active bloggers lately, but I was distressed to see that we haven't had a post reach double figure comments in a while. So let's see if we can change that.

Dawnell's favorite holiday isn't Christmas, or her birthday, or the Fourth of July. Rather, given her love of a good sale, sometimes it seems as though Dawnell's favorite holiday is the day after Thanksgiving, a.k.a. Black Friday. And so it was that we packed up Beckett and Ciaran to go out on Black Friday to see what kinds of deals we could find...

Check out the awesome "buy one get one free" deal we got!

Say hello to Baby A. We knew we were getting this one on Black Friday.

But we were unaware that they were having a sale. Buy Baby A, get Baby B for free!

And here they are gift wrapped together. Estimated date to unwrap these gifts? June 8, 2011.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

2nd dude, 1st haircut

Ciaran got his first haircut! After 18 months of crazy fine wombhair he finally is going to start growing some locks of love.

Here he is getting prepared... He doesn't quite know why he has been forced to wear a cape.

Baby mullet eradicated!

Oh no! Not the baby mullet!

Baby wombhair afro!

Beckett also got a haircut, and here's my awesome idea to take pictures of their cuteness right next to vertical blinds. Spectacular lighting results!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Belated Pumpkins

With Dawnell and the kids in Utah for a couple of weeks, I'm looking back at our cute pics for the past couple of months. And lucky for all of you I'll share.

Dawnell and the kids went pumpkin picking. This gives us the chance to organically place them around pumpkins once again for photo opportunities. Ah fall. Considering it is freezing today I already miss you.

Ciaran looking into the distance...

Okay, this picture is just ridiculous, but I put it here to point out that it's the best of the five from D's attempts to get one of Beckett and Ciaran sitting together. Beckett's scrunched-up "cheese" face and Ciaran looking away. The folks at Kiddie Kandids have tougher jobs than you'd think...

As usual, Beckett was accompanied by Anna. And I'll be darned if this isn't the cutest picture I've ever seen...

We went to the Hudson Valley "Blaze"

As the website says, it is a jack o'lantern event with over 4,000 hand-carved illuminated pumpkins.

We all had an enjoyable time, but I think I enjoyed the Norwalk Aquarium's pumpkin event quite a bit more. A bit more whimsy, and the Hudson Valley event had us quite a ways away from most of the pumpkins. For us the events are about the same distance too, so we'll probably try the Norwalk one again before we try this one again. It was fun, but not as fun as the other one.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Halloween 2010

Somehow we don't have any pictures of Ciaran from Halloween festivities. He was an adorable froggie in a costume that Dawnell hand made. Luckily for all of you Dawnell chronicles her projects and she had taken some adorable pics of Ciaran after she completed the froggie costume.

Beckett decided that he wanted to be a doctor for Halloween, through no prompting by us. My understanding is that one of his friends has a doctor play set, so Beckett probably thought he could get some cool toys if he dressed up like a doctor. Alas, we have connections who have real equipment (nurse grandparents) so he got the real thing.

Here's Beckett the pediatrician checking out his Ciaran patient. Notice the look on Ciaran's face. I think he'd much rather see a real expert.

Last year Beckett and his best friend Anna dressed up Hansel and Gretel. You can go check out our blog entries for late October and early November of last year for that cuteness. This year Anna was Little Bo Peep, so no costume coordination. Still super cute together. And I think Anna thought Beckett was still her sheep.

Lots of potential posts in the cue, with adorable pumpkin-picking adventures, to our trip to the carved pumpkin festival, to Dawnell's knitting adventure...

Friday, October 22, 2010


Beckett and Ciaran went apple picking with their friends. They also ended up sitting in a pumpkin patch. Looks like it was a lot of fun. Here are some pics:

Beckett and a halfway hidden Ciaran with the usual crew, Anna, Hannah, and Sydney

Here's a couple of Beckett Appleseed

Beckster and Ciaran sitting in the pumpkin patch:

Very cute. Maybe I'll try photoshopping in some open eyes.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Car Boodle

Ciaran is enjoying life these days. These pictures of him on his little push car ended up really cute. These are all pretty similar, but different. I can't quite decide which is my favorite. Probably the 3rd one. And I liked the video down at the bottom also.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day of Preschool!

For the past two weeks Beckett has been hounding me about going to preschool. "Are we going to preschool today?" "I want to go to preschool right NOW!" Today was finally the day. We got an email yesterday from his teacher telling us he should wear his favorite color. He choose blue and decided he needed to wear his filthy Jazz shirt that he was wearing at that very moment. Thanks to a washing machine we managed to make that happen after a last minute batch thrown in last night.

We carpooled with Anna so the day started out even better.

These are genuine excited faces. No coaching for pretty first day of school pictures for us. Err, the coaching failed.
Today we learned about colors and started the day by playing with pristine playdoh. (Side note, do you know that if you don't spell playdoh correctly, as there, spell checker gives you both playboy and Playboy as an alternative. Really? I mean I know it's corrected proper/brand names for me before and it can obviously give me a proper name as an alternative. I guess in the field of brand recognition children's toys have nothing on naked ladies.) It soon succumbed to three year old color experimentation, but it was a rare treat for a few moments.

Lots of other exciting things happened, but I don't think you all really need a rundown on the reading tent, play time and decorating bags. Suffice it to say we have a great teacher and Beckett is thrilled to be going to preschool.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just Cute Kids

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm Back!

Oops. This was supposed to go on my knitting blog but I obviously selected the wrong one on the blogger sign in page. Oh well.

After a long and lovely trip to Utah to visit the fam I am back in New York and attempting to get life back together. While I was in Utah I did lots of knitting and almost completely finished a project from Wacky Baby Knits. I now need to find 17 buttons to finish it off. Surprisingly, that is taking a long time. It would probably help if I took the outfit with me when I was looking for buttons.

One good reason to be back is that I was in time to catch the going out of business sale of the local yarn/quilt store. I managed to score this haul for $18! Those two sets of dpn's would cost more than that.

While in Utah I also ran into Joann's clearance for the yarns that were being discontinued. Thank goodness my husband packed light and brought a big suitcase. I just barely managed to get it all home.