Our ward had the annual Primary Program on Sunday. The last time that Beckett gave a talk in Primary he had ended up refusing to give the talk, so we were a little apprehensive when Beckett was the Sunbeam they selected to do a talk instead of the one line that everyone else got. With lots of practice he was able to do a great job. We're very proud of him.
In other news, the twins (both of whom are over 14 lbs. now) always look adorable before church, but by the end of church they are both exhausted and look a little more disheveled.
Here's some cute pics...
This adorable little chunk monster is Lachlan.

This adorable not quite as chunk monster is Aidric. You might notice that he's just wearing a sweater vest, with nothing underneath. That's the result of a blowout, not of us deciding to showcase his muscles.

Here they are side by side. Lach on the left and Drickity on the right.

Beckett and Ciaran dressed up in their church clothes with fall leaves laying around.

I'm in between jobs this week, and we've decided to try to get out of town for the next 3-4 days. Wish us luck!