Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Year's Resolution (and 2 1st haircuts)

Nobody cares about my weight loss and exercise goals, so I won't share those unless I actually have success in achieving them. But one of my other resolutions for the new year is to better capture proof of how my dudes are cute. I feel a little guilty that the number of baby Beckett pictures probably is at least ten times the amount of twin pictures combined. So we are going to try to change that. The goal is to make at least 26 blog posts this year (essentially one every two weeks).

So here is the first one...

So late in December the twins (finally) got their first haircut. Lachlan went first.


Then Aidric...

In the end, they both did a great job, especially considering that Ciaran and I were also getting our hair cut at the same time. And they looked cute together (pay no attention to the bumps and bruises caused by being toddlers).

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. SO excited that your New Year's resolution is more updates of the kiddos cause I can never get enough pictures of my favorite little guys. Ist haircuts are such a milestone. I always felt like it was the transition from baby to "little boy". It was good to see no tears during the haircuts. I remember your first screamed the whole time...ugh! Have a happy birthday ! You're getting old (Jeez...and I'm your mother...guess that makes me really old.

  2. Aw, and now they look so BIG! That first haircut is always a huge milestone.

    I'm happy to see and hear from you. I miss you every single day and always wonder how things are.

    Do phones even work anymore? Doubtful. I think I've entered the texting phase of my life and it's made me a horrid friend.

