Monday, August 27, 2007

4 Months Old

Today was Beckett's 4 month appointment. I'm sure you're all eagerly awaiting the new stats.

He did not want to stretch his leg out to be measured, but we finally wrestled him down.

64.5cm or for those of us in America, 25.4 inches. That's the 75%.

He was also pretty wiggly on the scale. Despite what it says here, they locked him in at 7.775 kg.

In American that's 17 lbs 2.2 oz. That's the 75-90%. Surprise, surprise.

He got more immunizations too after waiting only 3 hours at the doctors office. Mommy was NOT pleased. Beckett was almost as pissed off as I was when he got his shots. Here he is trembling in anticipation.

(Yes, that's a burp cloth he's holding and loving. He's taken to rubbing things on his face when he goes to sleep. When we check on him in the night he usually has the blanket over his face and his feet hanging out. He fell asleep before the shots, but since I was lucky enough to wait in the waiting room for an hour he got a good nap.)

He didn't even cry when he got the first one and he only let out a big wail on the last two that sting a lot. But he didn't cry very long and calmed down enough that I could get some Chipotle as a reward for not killing a nurse or some unruly urchin or his negligent parent.


  1. Hmm, 75th percentile you say? That sounds like an NBA shooting guard to me. I'm sure he'll end up at least six four.

  2. Just remember that 1 kilogram is 2.2 pounds and you will be fine! We'll get the metric system into your brains - even if we have to hide it in Chipotle! :o)

  3. he is so big, i love it!! he looks so sweet and innocent sitting there at the doctor's office, poor little guy! i am glad to hear you rewarded yourself with chipotle, i think it was highly deserved!

  4. my best trick - i always schedule the first appointment with the doctor of the day - because i can't stand waiting!!!

  5. He is so tough! Lasting through three hours AND a leg full of shots? Big boy...

    I can't believe how chunky he still is! I just giggle every time I see him. By Christmas when I see him next he'll be crawling all over the place and have lost all his chubs!!

  6. Poor Beckett, waiting all that time and then gettting stabbed in the leg! Poor Dawnell, waiting all that time and then watching your baby get stabbed in the leg! I'm glad you got Chipotle as a reward, and as a reward for Beckett he now won't get small pox.

  7. We Love Our Big, Beautifu, bouncing baby boy Beckett. 17 lbs , way to go!l

  8. umm did you really wait 3 hours? with a baby? that is totally annoying, what is up with that? Beckett is so cute, I also love big babes! Good job mom!

  9. I waited an hour to start the appointment. Then the doctor was in and out a little so the appointment itself took about an hour. And they always have to remeasure his head circumference because the first lady always does it wrong and they think he's a micro head and then someone comes and does it right. Then after the doctor left I waited for 20 minutes, then they kicked me out of the exam room back into the waiting room where I waited another 40 minutes for the actual shots. Three wonderful hours. Argh!

  10. that is horrible, dont you just hate it when they string you along like that. I think Dr's think if you move the patient into a room and make them wait there it doesnt count as waiting because they are not in the "waiting room" they're wrong, it is still waiting, even in the room. can I request to go to the "appointment on time" room maybe if we change the name that will help :o)
