Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The #1 Reason to Love Westchester County

Alright, so I just saw this post on my igoogle home page (yes, I have my own blog on an RSS feed, sue me) entitled "One more reason to love Westchester County." (it's the post directly below this one). But how many of you, upon reading that post, were confused by the phrase "once we make our move?"

Well, I guess that's pretty much an announcement. We are leaving Jersey City at the end of the month and moving to Westchester County. The Village of Mamaroneck, to be exact. We're really excited to have more space, to have a front yard, and for Beckett to have his own bedroom.

Beckett even got a new fancy crib in anticipation of the move. No more perpetual pack and play for you my son! Only a crib with the finest Ikea accessories will do. These pictures were taken pre-haircut for all of you who miss the curls. While lower car insurance may be a great advantage, I think Beckett living there is the #1 reason to love Westchester.

So feel free to visit us sometime, we'll even have a finished basement with separate bathroom to accommodate those who need Beckett interaction in person and not just via blog.


  1. When I see the picture of that cute house, I just want to cry it's so pretty...

    Beckett looks so proud to be in his new bed.

  2. I am so happy for you. A real yard. Oh wait, that means yard work...

  3. boo is all I have to say, but the house looks awesome for someone else to live in :o)

  4. Just to head off some questions, still renting, and only the front half of the house is ours. But it's a pretty cute front half, huh? Our landlord, who lives in the other half, seems pretty handy, so here's hoping he'll do all the yard work.

  5. yay for moving to the 'burbs!!

  6. HOLY COW!! I'm really excited for you guys.

  7. Oh my goodness! Exciting! Are you still going to visit us?? I will miss seeing you if you don't :(

  8. I'd say it's a pretty cute front half. I'm already jealous. We will definitely be visiting. Congratulations!!

  9. Love it! I want to live in something that looks like that. Why can't Dean work in midtown (or Utah)?!

    And I love that you're in the "village of Mamaroneck." It sounds Northeastern.

  10. Mamaroneck will be great! I love it up in that area.

  11. Traitors!!! Are there no houses in NJ???????

  12. Ahhh- l.u.c.k.y.!! I'm so happy for you guys! And by the way - your one word survey cracked me up.

  13. looks beautiful! congrats!
