Sunday, February 14, 2010

The new symbol of Valentine's Day

Beckett came down with an awful stomach bug a few days ago and it's been decimating our family ever since. Ciaran woke up throwing up and I was down for the count all day as well. Chris also feels yucky but somehow managed to be the healthiest person over age 2 in the house. Of course today Beckett feels great and wants to play all day. Chris gave me the best Valentine's Day present ever which was a day filled with sleep and limited movement so I didn't puke. He was a trooper with the kids, especially since our day started pretty early with the upchucking Boodle. In the immortal words of the ecard Chris sent me:

"You make me feel like a pudgy, naked, winged child has shot an arrow into my chest cavity.

Hopefully that arrow contains anti-viral medication for all of us."


  1. He's such a ROMANTIC! (Hee-hee...)

    Here's to hoping you are all better SOON...


  2. You've got to be kidding me! We were wondering what was up when we didn't see you guys at church. I don't know how it is that Anna and I seemed to have escaped the wrath.

  3. I'm glad your romantic husband stepped up for Valentine's. Hope you are all on the mend.

  4. Please, please tell me the last 2 posts are not connected by a tiny, germy trail...
    Hope you are feeling better soon!
