Monday, October 29, 2007
Pop Rocks
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Grown Up Halloween Party
Still unsure? Well then you obviously do not love The Office. We went as Dwight, Angela, and a Money Beet. A Money Beet? "First rule in roadside beet sales: the most attractive beets on top. The ones that make you pull the car over and go, 'wow, I need this beet right now.' Those are the money beets."
We have many friends who also love The Office. Here's Ryan and Kelly. (Aka Jenny and Tom.)The ladies of The Office. Here we have the addition of Halloween Pam (Jill). I look weird in all these pictures because I'm doing my uptight Angela face.
The boys of The Office. They are about to embark on a sales call wherein Dwight/Chris will plant his seed in Ryan/Tom.
And here's our whole cast together. Jenny and Tom are perfect with the way she's hanging on him and he's looking exasperated. And Jill's Pam face is great.
Here are some of the party organizers and also the costume contest winners. They are amazing every year. Bryan and BreAnna Larson go all out. They make their costumes and I'm always so excited to see what they do. You should definitely go to their blog and look at the party slide show thw have up. Bry and Bre in the NYC. So here they are:
Cindy Lou Who and Master Chief from Halo.Since Bryan and BreAnna organized things they graciously let others win the costume contest.
First place, Captain Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan (Ryan and Shanna Farnsworth)Second place is a gentleman from the 1980's giving his friend a present. (Sheena and Jason Larkin) It was based on a Saturday Night Live Sketch.

Third Place Plugs (Megan and Brian Porter)
Beckett the Beet got 7 votes but it was not enough to propel him to greatness and his mom and dad to a large bag of candy. Randomly, Chris and I, who both hate scary movies, won a prize in the Halloween movie trivia contest. We missed three, but if Chris had listened to me we would only have missed one.
Lois and Clark stopped by. (Alicia & Christopher)
Matt and Addu came as people from New Jersey. Funny on so many levels.

And Mary and Bryan were a house divided as BYU and USC fans.

It was a wonderful party. I wish I'd taken more decor pictures. They really went all out. Thanks everyone for a great party!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Kids Halloween Party and Book Club
Here's Pumpkin Beckett with his pal Raggedy Ann.
I was stressed because later that night I was hosting book club. We read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini. I almost cancelled since it seemed like people weren't going to come out to Jersey but they did and we had a great time. At least I did. They were nice and indulged me. I made everyone wear headscarves and we sat on carpets on the floor and ate hummus and dolmas and had a very insightful discussion.
Here we are at the end of the night. (Sorry Jenny, you had to leave before I got out the camera.)
Left to Right: Dawnell, Gretchen, Mary (& Abby), Brittany
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Lost Locks Leave Lady Luminous
My last day of long hair was supposed to be all flowy and beautiful and straight and smooth. Thanks to lots of wind and humidity it ended up and wavy, prickly mess. It made the chop less painful.
The stylist decided to help me out with some before pictures after she'd brushed my hair so I look a little less pathetic.
They put it in a ponytail and take it all at once then do your real cut.
And here are the after, styled pictures.
Meanwhile Beckett was unaware of the momentous hair events occurring. He got to play with his friend Sheldon. Although in all our excitement we forgot Ghost Bear when we left. Sheldon had a good time too. He sat up on his own really well which is a first according to his mom. He loved staring at Beckett. It's only fair since watching him roll inspired Beckett to roll over for the first time. We have to get these boys together more often. Who knows what they'll teach each other? That being said once they turn two they can never see each other again because who knows what they'll teach each other??

This picture cracks me up because it looks like Sheldon is beating Beckett up. He isn't.

Monday, October 22, 2007
6 Month Appointment

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Birthday Cupie Doll
Since Beckett was in good hands we were free to go out to dinner. As I was more interested in birthday dessert we decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory. The food was mediocre, but the cheesecake was awesome. I ate a turtle nutty, chocolaty, carameley piece of heaven. Then I got a piece of key lime to go. Chris was supposed to pretend it was for him, but he made a point of telling the waiter he was too full and he wasn't going to be eating any of it. He did have a bite at home later, but I did eat most of it. And I liked it, so there!
Then we went to a movie. I know this doesn't sound stellar, but trust me, this was a lot of fun as we haven't gone to a move in about 6 months. We went to Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

I enjoyed it although I do not think that Mary Queen of Scots had a Scottish accent as portrayed in the film since she was raised in the French court from a very young age. I'm reading a book about Mary and Elizabeth so I declared myself a defacto expert.
All in all it was a nice birthday and not too traumatic. I can't wait for my present from Chris to arrive so I can be a rocking guitar hero with my Wii. Oh Nintendo, why won't you ship it?