Friday, October 17, 2008

A word of advice...

If, when you are taking out the garbage you decide you should take a picture of your house to post on your blog, and if you already have your camera in your pocket because you were taking other pictures, and if you decide the porch picture will be infinitely cuter if you close the front door to show off its nice green character, and if your front door can be set to lock automatically behind you, and if, because you used to live in Jersey City instead of a nice town, you have set said door to lock automatically, and if your child is inside napping. . . make sure you have your house keys. Failing that make sure you live in a place with friendly, helpful neighbors and understanding, yet kind of short police officers who are the perfect size to climb in through your bedroom window that they somehow got open and let you in. Oh, and remember to take the stupid picture that started the whole mess. You know, if this implausible situation should ever happen to you.


  1. Hey, I'd also add that this whole experience might not be something you share with your husband while he's at work. Oh, and if you do choose to share this information, make sure to preface the story by letting him know you are inside with the baby while talking to him. No need to leave that until the end.

  2. This is funny. Silly Moons.

  3. Invest in a Master Lock Key Storage Box. Scott bought this for me after the first time that I locked myself out. Even is someone finds where it is hidden they have to know the combo to get your key.

    Love it!

  4. So happy to hear that this hypothetical situation worked out alright!

    On a similar note - I once locked myself out on the 3rd floor balcony of a hotel in the middle of nowhere. And I was in the hotel alone so no one was coming in eventually. Yeah... figure that out.

  5. Maybe Beckett enjoyed the privacy. The kid got a nice break!!!

    Grandpa Ott

  6. Oh I would die. How funny is that!

  7. HAHAHA!!!! Okay, reading this was very funny, but the first hand account was much better.


    Atleast you weren't holding a muddy baby when the fire department arrived. :-)

  8. I'm ready for some more pics of your house. I love the kitchen, it's HUGE!! I hope you are loving the space.

    I'll remember not to lock the door behind me when I go take the trash out, but I do have to close the door, at least, since a coyote might run into my house an terrorize my family out here in the country...


  9. I wonder if you had the same crawling-through-the window police office I did!
