Saturday, September 1, 2007

Jersey Garden Beckett

Taking full advantage of our car we decided to drive to the big outlet mall, Jersey Gardens last weekend. I went crazy and bought Beckett tons of new clothes. But when the Children's Place has 4 racks of $1.99 items how can you go wrong? (By the way it was totally biased towards girls. Way cuter stuff and way more girl stuff. But I still managed to stock up my guy. Blue cammo shorts, so cute.)

Here is happy shopping mommy sporting her new headband from Claires.

Beckett is loving the airplane move now.

Here he is reposing on the rocks around the food court. The first look is Ferrari, the second, Le Tigre, obviously.

I know I'm biased, but seriously, is this not one of the cutest babies in the universe? His little face is so sweet in this close up.


  1. Sooooo, I'm assuming with all the cute 2.00 girl stuff you stocked up for Mayci? Thanks. You're SUCH a good friend.

    That close up of Becks MELTS my heart. He's not looking much like a baby anymore Dawnell. I see a little man!

    PS I LOVE that headband- your hair is getting SO LONG. Were there any good 10 for $5 sales?

  2. I agree about Children's Place having about a 2 to 1 ratio in clothes favoring girls. It's annoying. But for 1.99 you can't beat it. I love their jeans by the way, there will come a time when you think that you spend all your money on jeans for your little boy. Children's Place jeans are thicker and they cost less than most other places around.

  3. That close-up of Beckett is BEAUTIFUL. The best picture I've ever seen of him. I love it!!

    I refused to shop at children's place because of that very issue. It should be called Ooober Cute Little Girl's Place. Seriously. However, Sara has told me several times about their good jeans- so maybe I'll give 'em another chance..if they're lucky.

    Bravo on the awesome sale! I'm jealous. I guess you actually have to go SHOP to find good deals, huh?

  4. Sara posted on your blog? She POSTED? How did you get her to do that?
