Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Beckett and toys

After Beckett's immunizations I had to buy him a toy again. Mostly because I knew that Daddy wanted to play with Beckett with this toy a lot. It's an easily grabbed and caught ball.

Snorkie attack!!

Snorkie is the dolphin that Chris won for me and Beckett at a street fair. Way to throw that wiffle ball Chris!

And here is his super fancy twirling saucer chair toy.

I know these are shoes, but I'm pretty sure having rocket feet counts as a toy.

Mommy got a "toy" too.


  1. Mommy's "toy" is the best kind of toy! I think it's time I got myself some new toys!!

  2. Hot polka dot peep toe slingbacks, Dawnell! And I like how Beckett's rocket socks are patriotic. No USSR rocket models in the Moon household.

  3. AHHHHHHHHHH! I LOVE your shoes! I mean, cute baby and all, but where did you get those turquoise polka dot pieces of HEAVEN? You must have been a very good mommy.

  4. PS I'm glad that I'm not the only one with the sickness of buying my kids stuff for no real reason. Today Tegan got new shoes, Mayci got a magnet ABC set for the fridge, and I bought several "just in case the original plan falls through" birthday presents for Jayden. I can't stop myself!

  5. rocket feet totally count as a toy, hey your toy goes on your feet, you are just bringing your child up right!

  6. Love those Rocket socks! And, of course you bought those shoes. How could you, Dawnell, pass up such a great looking pair. I hope to see them on you sometime.
